This post provides information about how to invest in yourself and create a fuller life in 2024. The choices you make today effect your future self.
What is Investing?
Put simply, investing is a method to grow your money over time through stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, etc.
Essentially, investing means putting in effort now to achieve a positive result later.
This directly relates to self development. Some say “time is money”, and there are various different interpretations of this phrase. To me, this quote means that time is incredibly valuable and must be used wisely. It is important to recognize that every action you take is a choice, and you can choose to seize the moment or to stay stagnant.
Most times, the choices you make today in terms of self development will not manifest immediately. However, the time you put in now will show it’s value later on whether that is tomorrow, next year, or in the next 20 years.
Invest in Yourself
Investing in yourself is putting in time and effort each day to improve your future. Investing in yourself is making choices that will effect your future self, and will not produce results right away. It is your choice whether you take action or continue to stay the same.
How To Invest in Yourself
1. Educate Yourself
Educating yourself is an easy way to change your future. There is no end to education. A conscious choice to keep learning throughout life will never have negative consequences. Continue to learn about yourself, about your interests, and stay curious, because knowledge is power. The more you know in life, the further you can go. Learning is hard work and takes discipline. The following list provides easy ways to stay sharp and keep learning.
- read
- take courses
- pursue degrees and certifications
- travel
- socialize with intelligent people
2. Self Care
Taking care of yourself is one of the most valuable investments. Take care of your body and mind each day to create positive results that produce a chain reaction in your life. The healthier you are, the more capable you are of achieving your goals. The following list provides ways to practice self care which invests into a healthy body and mind.
- exercise
- skincare
- healthy eating
- prioritizing mental health
3. Be Consistent
I mention consistency a lot on Sole Peaks. This is an important realization to make, because perfection does not exist. As humans, we will never be perfect no matter how hard we try. Consistency means something is better than nothing, and as long as you put in effort each day, you will see results. See the below comparison to visualize consistency.
The first example shows someone who put in 100% effort at the beginning of the week, and burnt out by Thursday. After one bad day, the person decided to give up and try again the next week. The second example shows someone who started strong, had a few days of struggle but was convinced that something is better than nothing; so they continued on. Example two ended up being over 100% more productive by the end of the week by simply pushing forward.
4. Celebrate Growth
You will begin to see small wins as you progress. Celebrate this growth and understand the work you put in to make these changes. You should look back and cringe at your old self. This is an essential part of growth, knowing that you no longer think and act the same way as you used to. Congratulate yourself for how far you’ve come, and use these small wins as motivation to keep working toward your goals.
5. Create Goals
It is incredibly difficult to put in work with no ultimate goal. Define unique goals that you wish to achieve. It is much easier to work toward a specific goal, rather than mindlessly trying to become the highest version of yourself without any framework. Visualize what your highest self looks like, behaves like, and owns. Then create a lifestyle that you think your higher self would lead.
6. Surroundings
Surround yourself with supportive, like-minded people who inspire you to work on yourself. Distance yourself from negative energy and judgement.
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