Don’t quit. Refuse to give up on yourself. This post provides ways to stay determined toward your goals.

“It is the courage to continue that counts.”
Why do People Quit?
The biggest factor that contributes to quitting is your mind. During tough times, your mind convinces you it is easier to give up than to keep going. Although this is true, you’ll never reach your goals if you give into these thoughts. The moment you think “I can’t”, is the moment you can no longer achieve the task.
The moment a result takes too long, you immediately lose patience and come up with reasons why it isn’t worth it. If we don’t see the outcome we want in a short period of time, we assume it will never come.
Many people rely on motivation to reach their goals. Motivation is an unreliable emotion. Like happiness, sadness, and excitement, this feeling will fluctuate. You will not always feel motivated.
The moment things get too difficult, over 90% of people quit. Continuing on during tough times takes mental strength, which is a learned behavior. If our minds are not conditioned to this mindset, we will not succeed.
Ways to Adopt a “Don’t Quit” Mindset

The following list provides ways to keep going when you want to give up. You could be moments away from breaking through to success, so long as you just. don’t. quit.
1. Find a Purpose
What is your “why”? Find your reasons for wanting to accomplish something. Remind yourself of your “why’s” often, as this will propel you forward in the pursuit of your goals. Write them down, and put them in a place that is visible.
2. Surround Yourself With Like-Minded Individuals
The company you keep influences you more than you think. Have you ever heard “you are who you surround yourself with”? This means the people you choose to interact with on a daily basis are the people you choose to become like. If there are unavoidable people in your life that do not share your goal oriented mindset, distance yourself and shield your energy as much as possible.
3. Strengthen Your Mindset
A strong mind is the most powerful asset in life. In order to strengthen your mindset, you must practice and be mindful of your thoughts. The moment you take control, the opinion of others will no longer affect you, and the idea of quitting will become obsolete.
4. Practice Discipline
Discipline and consistency is the number one driver of success. You cannot rely on motivation to get you to the finish line. The journey is not meant to be easy. Obstacles are placed in your path to make you stronger and more capable of achieving your goals. Continue on and stay consistent even when things are difficult.
5. Mindfulness and Gratitude
It is important to stay as grounded as possible during this journey. This is a form of self care, and will help you when experiencing overwhelm. Focus on the emotions and thoughts that you are experiencing during this time of stress. Understand that you must go through these feelings in order to get to the goal, and they will not last forever. Be grateful that you are capable of working hard and putting your mind to something, because not everyone can.
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