Bugged by bug bites? This post explains why some people get more bug bites than others, why they itch, and how to prevent them.

I am the person who never fails to get at least 5 bug bites every time I step outside, while the people I’m with practically never get them. I can’t be the only one! Let me know in the comments if you seem to be a mosquito magnet too.
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Why Do Some People Get More Bug Bites Than Others?
Have you noticed that some people are constantly getting bug bites, while others seem to never get bit? There are a combination of factors that lead to bug bites, including blood type, body heat, and certain clothing.
Mosquitos Prefer Specific Blood Types
Type O : Research shows that mosquitos prefer type O blood over all other blood types. If you seem to be a magnet for bug bites, you may have this blood type.
Carbon Dioxide Levels
Higher metabolic rates and carbon dioxide levels attract mosquitos. As we exhale, we emit carbon dioxide from our bodies. The more you exhale, the more attractive you are to mosquitos.
Body Heat
Mosquitos are attracted to body heat. This may be caused by exercise, warm weather, or if you naturally have a slightly higher body temperature than others.
Scent + Clothing
Floral perfume, sweat, and dark clothing can make you more attractive to mosquitos. Mosquitos have a good sense of sight and smell, so if they can see or smell you easily, they will probably choose you for their next meal.
Why Bugs Bite and Become Itchy
Mosquitos rely on our blood to survive. Our blood provides essential nutrients to support mosquito larvae. When they pierce our skin, they inject saliva into our bodies to prevent blood from clotting. The proteins in mosquito saliva trigger a response in our body similar to an allergic reaction, which causes itchiness.
How to Reduce Your Risk of Mosquito Bites
Minimizing risk of mosquito bites not only makes you more comfortable, but also reduces your risk of certain mosquito borne illnesses.
1. Insect Repellent
One of the simplest ways to avoid bug bites is to wear something that keeps them away. Repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus are common ingredients that mosquitos don’t like.
2. Dress Appropriately
Covering your skin will reduce your risk of getting bug bites by creating a barrier between you and those pesky sons of bitches.
3. Avoid Active Times
Mosquitoes are typically active during dawn and dusk hours. Avoiding your exposure during these times can significantly reduce your chances of getting bug bites.
4. Avoid Stagnant Water
Mosquitos tend to be drawn to stagnant water, such as ponds, lakes, and puddles. Eliminating sources of standing water, or avoiding them may reduce your bug bite rate.
Bug Bite Remedies
If you’re like me, you can use every trick in the book and still get bug bites. Despite our best efforts, we will still have to deal with the itchy effects of mosquitos at times. Here are some of the best remedies to reduce the itch.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera gel contains anti-bacterial, antiseptic, and soothing ingredients that will reduce the pain of bug bites, and many other skin conditions. Consider purchasing an aloe vera plant for and endless supply of healing.
Antihistamines are typical solutions for allergic reactions, which significantly reduces itchiness. Over the counter antihistamines like Benadryl and Claritin are great to keep on hand. If you’re looking for a natural option, you can try ingesting foods with natural antihistamine properties like broccoli, strawberries, onions, spinach, or probiotics.
Natural Remedies
Honey, witch hazel, oatmeal, baking soda, and apple cider vinegar can be used as a topical treatment to reduce the effects of a bug bite.
Devices like “The Bug Bite Thing” are designed to pull mosquito saliva from your bug bite to relieve itching, this can also be used for bee stings. This is a great tool to keep on hand on all outdoor adventures!
Mosquitos are drawn to people for multiple reasons, and your blood type, scent, and clothing can make you more attractive to bugs. Using a combination of these methods can significantly reduce your risk of bug bites, but may not eliminate your chances of ever getting a bug bite again. In the case you get bit, use the remedies listed in this post to reduce itchiness and effects of mosquito bites.
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