This list of budget hiking gear will give you quality, while saving you money. One of the largest obstacles for beginners is cost when it comes to hiking gear. Especially if you’re not sure if hiking is for you, starting out with budget gear is a great way to get started. This gear will provide quality to prevent blisters and keep you comfortable on your adventures. Hiking essentials can cost up to $700 for just one item. These items are under $100 so you can enjoy nature without breaking the bank.

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Columbia Newton Ridge Plus Waterproof Amped Hiking Boot
Boots are the most important item on a hike. Even on day hikes, blisters can cause pain and discomfort during your hike and on the days following your adventure. A waterproof, mid-height boot will provide ankle support for difficult scrambles and preventing a twisted ankle. Your boots need proper traction and arch support to keep you sure footed on any trail in any weather conditions. The Columbia Newton Ridge hiking boot is a great, cost friendly option for hiking any terrain. These boots are lightweight with great arch and ankle support to provide protection from injury. Columbia Newton Ridge hiking boots also have an Omni-Grip rubber outsole to prevent slipping on ledges and wet surfaces. Not only are these boots functional, but fashionable. There are plenty of color combinations to choose from and are less bulky than other cost effective options. At under $100, these boots provide quality at a great price.
BISINNA 2 Person Camping Tent
When heading out on a multi-day hiking trip, the next most important item is your tent. Hiking and camping means you’ll be carrying your tent on your back. A hiking tent should be lightweight, easy to assemble, and waterproof. A quality tent will keep you warm and dry, and won’t piss you off when you try to put it together. Depending on how many people (or dogs) it will be sleeping, purchase a tent that is big enough to accommodate everyone comfortably. Tents can be one of the most expensive pieces of hiking equipment, so finding a cheap, but quality option will accommodate your needs without breaking the bank. The BISINNA 2 person camping tent is lightweight, waterproof and windproof. The total weight does not exceed 5 pounds, and is easy to set up. This tent is easy to carry wherever your adventure takes you, and sets up quickly for easy camping.

Sleeping Bag
HiHiker Mummy Sleeping Bag with Travel Pillow
A quality sleeping bag is essential to a good nights sleep in the wilderness. If you’re cold, wet, or uncomfortable, you’ll be up all night tossing and turning. Rest is essential to endure a difficult hike, so having a good quality sleeping bag will help you relax and prepare your body for another great day in the wilderness. A proper sleeping bag keeps you warm all night, and is light enough to pack up and carry throughout the hike. I’ve mentioned temperature ratings many times on Sole Peaks, click here to learn more about sleeping bag ratings and how to properly read them. Be sure to choose a temperature rating fit for the climate you’ll be hiking in. The HiHiker Mummy Sleeping Bag provides warmth with a compact, lightweight design and a travel pillow. This design is perfect for any multi-day hike with a 20 degree temperature rating. Mummy sleeping bags are the best option for hiking due to their lighter and less bulky design.
Sleeping Pad
Nature Worship Foam Camping Mat
A sleeping pad combined with a quality sleeping bag will give you the best nights sleep in a tent you’ll ever have. Sleeping pads insulate your body from the cold ground at night, and provide padding to keep you more comfortable. There are plenty of options for sleeping pads with different insulation ratings, so be sure to check the R-value. R-value calculates the amount of insulation a sleeping pad provides. An R-value of 2 is among the lowest insulation, while 5 or more is among the highest insulation rating. The Nature Worship sleeping pad folds down to a compact size perfect for carrying on your back. This is a great dupe for more expensive options, while providing the same quality at a better price.

Camp Stove
Odoland Camping Cookware Kit
A camp stove makes it easy to cook a meal at any time on a hike. From boiling water to sautéing vegetables, a camp stove is a necessity due to it’s compact versatility. Camp stoves are easy to assemble and barely take up any space in your backpack. In some areas, having campfires are prohibited, so having a camp stove allows you to cook your meals at any time, in any region. The Odoland Camp Stove is a cost friendly alternative to other options such as a JetBoil, without sacrificing quality where it matters. This model provides the camp stove attachment, which fastens to a propane tank, along with 2 compact pots and a metal spork. At under $30 and rated 4.5/5 stars, this is a great option for beginner hikers. Especially on colder days, a camp stove can provide a hot meal or beverage to warm you up on the trail.
Rain Jacket
Columbia Women Switchback II Jacket
A rain jacket is essential for any hike. High altitude weather conditions are subject to rapid change, which could mean a surprise rain storm at any moment. A quality rain jacket that packs down to a compact size should always be in your backpack for those just in case moments. Rain jackets can run from $15 to over $200, so there are a lot of different options to choose from. A compact rain jacket is an essential piece of budget hiking gear to keep your base layers dry and prevent the possibility of frostbite among other risks. The Columbia Womens Switchback II jacket provides quality at under $50. This jacket is lightweight and guaranteed to keep you dry in any weather conditions.

King’s Guard 60L Hiking Backpack
A quality waterproof backpack will keep your gear dry while sitting comfortably on your shoulders. A backpack made specifically for hiking distributes the weight you’re carrying evenly to prevent shoulder and back pain on long treks. When choosing a backpack, select a size fit for the amount of days you plan to be hiking. A 60L backpack will accommodate for 3 days or less of backpacking, which is a great option for beginner hikers. A backpack equipped for a reservoir will allow you to choose your hydration source whether it be a water bottle or a hydration bladder.
The King’s Guard 60L hiking backpack is a perfect purchase for any type of hike, which includes a rain cover to protect your gear in case of precipitation. This backpack is built with breathable material to combat sweat, and has convenient pockets in the front for easy access to your essentials. This design also contains reinforced structure and a waist belt for maximum comfortability, along with plenty of colors to choose from. At under $50, this is a budget hiking gear essential!
Vekkia LED Headlamp
A headlamp is an important safety tool for hiking. Whether you need to set up your tent after sunset or find your way to use the bathroom, a headlamp is a lifesaver in the wilderness to keep your hands free. Headlamps can range from $20 to $700, which provides thousands of options to choose from. A headlamps purpose is to provide enough light to see in the dark; so a $700 headlamp is usually not necessary for beginners. A headlamp only has a few requirements. Your headlamp should be waterproof, and provide at least 100 lumen of light. The more lumen a headlamp advertises on their specs, the further the light reaches.
The Vekkia LED headlamp is a great beginner headlamp choice at under $15 for hiking and camping needs. This headlamp is also lightweight and provides multiple light options.

Since of of the main barriers to entry for hiking is cost, this list is a great way to find essential budget hiking gear under $100. This gear list provides quality design and all of the functions of more costly options. Hiking can really be for anyone, and you don’t have to break the bank to get started. For beginners, start with a shorter trip or even a day hike to learn the beauty of hiking and the benefits it has on your mind and body. After you get out there, I can almost guarantee you’ll get addicted to being submerged in nature.
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