This post provides 7 tips on how to rediscover yourself. It doesn’t matter how you got lost, all that matters now is getting back.
Hi Everyone! Thank you for all of your support throughout the month of March. I appreciate every single one of you! I went through a big move and needed some time to settle. Now that I am finally settled in, I can get back to posting regularly. Throughout my move, I lost almost every sense of self that I had in place before. My old routines went out the window, and I have had trouble getting back to who I truly am. So with this post, I’ll be sharing the methods I am using to get back to who I really am and who I know I can be. Here’s how to rediscover yourself.
I have found myself saying yes to things I don’t have time to do, caring more about what other people think of me, and not being the best version of myself. Also I haven’t had the time or motivation to get on the keyboard and talk to you guys! I hope you all can forgive my hiatus, because this blog is truly my passion.
It doesn’t matter how you got lost, the only thing that matters now is getting back.
How to Rediscover Yourself
The closer you get to your true self, the faster every other thing in life falls into place. Success starts from your core. Don’t worry about all of the outside factors just yet. Start by working on you, and you will see how easy it is for everything else to follow.
1. Goals
Time to set your goals. This means you need to dig deep, visualize your ideal reality, and what it is that you want out of life. Do not shape this through any outside factors. Create personal goals. Goals that you, and you only want to achieve. Write them down. Be incredibly specific. Do not leave out any little details.
2. Life Audit
Now that you have your goals set, it’s time to take a good look at your current life. Without any bias, reflect on who you primarily spend time around. Are these people benefiting your life and inspiring you to get better? Listen to your intuition. The universe sends you signs that will guide you in the right direction, your job is to listen! It is true that your new life is going to cost you your old one, so get ready for some changes. Cut out any relationships that drain you, or do not inspire you to be better. This is not going to be easy, but trust me when I say it is a key step in rediscovering yourself.
3. Spend Time Alone
Being alone is one of the best ways to learn more about yourself. It is impossible to rediscover yourself if you are constantly submerged into a group of people with their own identities. I am guilty of this too. Sit in the uncomfortable with yourself, and get to know who you are, aside from any other personalities. Being alone does not mean you are lonely! Enjoy your own company, and practice making your own decisions. This will boost your self confidence and build trust within yourself.
4. Find Your Passion
What a loaded statement! Finding your passion takes time, and plenty of trial and error. You will try many things before you find what truly makes you happy. This is a difficult step, and can be discouraging. My advice is to keep trying, and trust that you will find it. You’ll know it when you feel it. Try out new hobbies, or pick up an old hobby you used to love. Don’t be afraid to search for it. If you see something that sparks an idea, act on it, and try it out.
5. Practice Awareness
Being self aware, and aware of the energies around you makes all the difference. This is an additional step after your life audit. When you embark on a journey of self discovery, you WILL receive negative feedback from people in our life who do not truly support you. Although it will not always be cut and dry, this will be very obvious, as long as you are practicing awareness. It is important to be protective of your energy during this time, as you will be emotionally vulnerable. Some people will prey on this vulnerability to bring you to their level. DO NOT give in to this energy.
6. Affirmations
Some find affirmations to be corny and ineffective. However, it is scientifically proven that affirmations train your brain to think differently about yourself. Believe it or not, affirmations are great for your mental health. Write down a list of affirmations. Things you like about yourself, things you’re good at, things you’ve accomplished that make you proud. These affirmations may make it very clear the direction you’re meant to go. If not, don’t worry. Keep following the process and it will become clear over time.
7. Consume Healthy Media
Consuming healthy media is a tip that I’ll share and share again. The content you consume on a daily basis shapes your mindset. Read self help books. Watch motivational content on social media. Avoid scrolling through mindless content that distracts you from working on yourself. Organize your daily life in a way that supports time to consume healthy, inspirational content, and limits the amount of unhealthy media you consume each day.
My goal of writing this post is not only to help you rediscover yourself, but to also help me do the same. While you adapt these steps into your life, I will be too. You aren’t alone on this journey, and I’m here to help! Let’s create a community in the comments of this post. Feel free to direct message me on social media. Let’s open up a conversation about mental health and the truth behind the scenes. No one is perfect, and no one here is asking you to be. As long as we take the steps to become better everyday, that is what counts.
Thank you all for reading how to rediscover yourself, and all of your support during my break! Here’s to getting back on track! Love you all.
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