Why should you do things that scare you? Do you think that anyone became a better person by staying in their comfort zone? No. Doing things that scare you is the #1 way to grow and advance as a person. If you want to be on your death bed thinking about all the things you didn’t do, good for you; don’t read any further. If you’re the other person that wants to look back on your badass adventures and be proud of what you’ve done, keep reading.
“Courage is more exhilarating than fear and in the long run it is easier. We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt said it best, “Do something that scares you everyday”.
Imagine this scenario. You are a twinkling star in the universe and you’re given the opportunity to inhabit a body on a planet and experience being a human first hand. You get to learn, grow, adventure, see new things, feel emotions, and create relationships. Would you say yes? Of course you would. Life is short, and there is no reason not to enjoy every moment. Be thankful for this worldly experience that we were gifted, because it won’t last forever.
Humans have an emotion called fear, you’ve heard of it or experienced it before. Fear holds us back from new experiences and adventures all of the time. Learning to overcome fear allows us to live our best lives while were here. Face your fears.

What is Fear?
Fear is a human emotion that causes us to feel imminent danger, or a threat to our safety. Feeling afraid is a normal emotion that everyone experiences at some point in life. Fear can prohibit us from trying new things. The most common reason why people give up on their dreams is due to fear. This emotion can camouflage itself as an array of excuses, which provides numerous reasons why you shouldn’t follow through. Click here to stop making excuses. There are various emotions humans feel throughout life, but fear is arguably just a roadblock in our growth process. Fear is usually triggered before doing something new or out of your comfort zone, but once the initial step is taken, fear stops being the prominent emotion that you feel about the activity.
Fear prevents your brain from thinking logically. You will fixate on the least likely, worst case scenario, and your brain will become stuck on this idea. In order to overcome fear, we must trust ourselves to make the right decisions in the moment and use our gut instincts in dire situations.
Gut Feelings
Scientifically, our brains are more connected to our gut than any other organ. Some scientists even call our stomachs the “second brain”. Click here for a more detailed explanation of this phenomenon by Elizabeth Rider. Basically, our gut thinks too, and can’t doubt itself like our brain can. Therefore, when you get a gut feeling or “butterflies” in your stomach, those are our natural instincts. When relating fear and gut feelings, it is clear in every situation to use your instincts to determine real danger and risk. Practice safety in every adventure you take on, and know when to avoid danger.
However, our brains can sometimes confuse fear, danger, and nervousness. These emotions feel similar and can sometimes be misconstrued. For example, some people are deathly afraid of elevators or heights while others are not. Although unlikely, some brains can only register the worst possible scenario is going to happen, allowing fear to block their logic.
Experiencing anxiousness is very common, and many would say their nervousness stems from an unrealistic fear or danger from an outside perspective. Continuing to put off an upcoming event builds up fear surrounding the activity creating added dread the more it is avoided. Holding in fear and stress can negatively effect your body. If you continue to let fear stop you from trying new things, it can effect your life and what you allow yourself to experience.
You’re Overreacting
Have you ever overreacted? We all have at least once. When faced with challenges and new things, they can seem overwhelming even if its something other people do every day. The statement “stepping out of your comfort zone” explains itself. New things are going to be uncomfortable and scary at first, but you will never know unless you try. Once you get out of your comfort zone, you’ll find so many new things you are good at and interested in because you tried. Most times, you’ll look back on your fears and realize that you were overreacting to some degree.
After you step out of your comfort zone once, you will realize what you were scared of wasn’t all that bad, and your life will start to change. You’ll be more open to new things and less likely to let fear hold you back.

Do Things That Scare You: Outcomes
A lot happens within yourself when you finally do that thing you’ve been too nervous to do. Hormones begin to release in your brain, you’ll start to see personal growth, and gain courage. Your mental and physical health will improve. Your mindset will begin to change how you think about scenarios. You’ll trust yourself more. If you do things that scare you, the following outcomes commence among other positive results.
Hormone Release
When you overcome personal obstacles in life, your body releases hormones that make you feel good. Dopamine and adrenaline are two chemicals that your body releases when you face your fears. Adrenaline puts you in a fight or flight response, which forces your body to rely on survival instincts in these moments which is incredibly beneficial. Dopamine is associated with personal achievement and triggers pleasure and motivation. Facing your fears teaches you how to work through fear and evolve into a more courageous individual.
Personal Growth
Doing things that scare you and push you out of your comfort zone permits personal growth in various areas of life. You will become more brave and strong as an individual, and develop more independence. Intentionally putting yourself in a “fight or flight” mindset will increase your personal awareness. This makes you more likely to react in a true survival situation because you are familiar with using your instincts. Facing your fears helps you practice making decisions and work through adversity. As a more resilient person, you’ll be able to overcome obstacles easier, and trust yourself to make it through any situation.
Even though you might be afraid, perseverance through hardships builds courage. Doing things that scare you condition your body and mind to withstand stressful situations because you know you can get through it. Courage is knowing and trusting yourself in any circumstance. The more you push yourself out of your comfort zone, the more courage and confidence you’ll see in yourself.

“Courage is grace under pressure.”
ernest hemingway
Physical and Mental Health
If you allow your mind to build up fear, stress will fill your body as a consequence. By doing things that scare you, built up physical and mental stress can be released. As we get older, stress can effect our health. Physically and mentally, stress takes a toll, and the best practice is to eliminate as much stress as you can control. We were given this opportunity on earth so why the hell would we waste it being stressed all the time?
Why Do Things That Scare You?
No one has ever gotten better by staying the same. Life is about growth, and working towards the best version of yourself. If you stay in your comfort zone, I promise you won’t change at all. The key to becoming who you want to be is bravery to leave your comfort zone. Fear has fundamental control over our experiences if we allow it to. If you can learn to identify and overcome fear, there is nothing you can’t do. Take control of your life and follow your dreams. You are the chief executive officer of your life and your decisions and opinions are the most important in terms of your success. To face your fears, you do not have to take extreme measures immediately. You can always start out with smaller victories.
In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, “We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down.” You do not have to change all at once. Making small transitions in your daily life will create a pattern that will evolve into greater achievements. As you start to overcome obstacles, you’ll realize how capable you are. The barriers that seemed too big to overcome will turn into stepping stones toward your life goals.
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