This list of “75 Hard” outdoor exercise ideas provides unique ways to achieve a 45 minute outdoor workout. The challenge requires 2, 45 minute exercises each day, one required to be performed outdoors. These exercises can be used throughout the “75 Hard” challenge, or on their own as a simple way to get outside and move your body.

Disclosure: I am not a medical or fitness professional. If you have any questions about your health or concerns about exercise, reach out to a doctor or licensed professional.
What is 75 Hard?
“75 Hard” is described as a mental toughness challenge that lasts 75 days. The challenge consists of 5 basic rules. It is reported that this challenge was created in 2019 by Andy Frisella, a CEO and entrepreneur, among other accomplishments. Click here to read more about Frisella and the “75 Hard Challenge”. There are 5 daily rules to follow throughout the 75 day duration, listed below.
Some may say that 75 Hard is excessive. Creating variations to 75 hard can make the challenge more unique to you and your goals. For some, this may make the challenge more sustainable. 75 “soft” is a variation of 75 “hard” which follows a less strict routine. The goal of this mental toughness challenge is to create a healthy, sustainable lifestyle that carries on after the 75 days. A variation could include 1 cheat day a week, occasional drinking in moderation, etc. When embarking on a challenge, the most important rule is to stay consistent with your goals.
Discipline is the most important way to complete a challenge of this magnitude. Some days, motivation isn’t enough to work hard. Discipline is what drives you to complete a challenge, even when you don’t want to. Click here to stop making excuses and increase self discipline in life.
The 5 basic rules of the challenge are listed below. Although these rules may seem simple, these changes make a long-term difference in your overall lifestyle.

Stick to a diet, any diet. (No alcohol)
Sticking to a diet does not have specific requirements. For some, this could mean choosing healthier meal options, or eating more protein. Any diet that you believe is best for your health goals will work for this challenge. The diet that you choose to stick to is what works best and will be most sustainable and healthy for your unique needs.
Two 45 minute exercises a day, one must be completed outside.
Daily exercise is beneficial for the health of your mind and body. The challenge requires two 45 minute exercises per day, one must be completed outside no matter the weather. Spending time outside has various health benefits and will improve your mental well-being, as well as your physical health. The list in this post provides ideas for the outdoor portion of this step.
Drink a gallon of water.
This step explains itself. Drinking more water each day will improve your energy, body, and mind.
Read 10 pages of non-fiction.
Reading is a great way to exercise your brain and consume healthy media each day. Reading non-fiction builds your vocabulary and critical thinking skills, while learning something new. This step replaces a portion of daily screen time, which will contribute to a healthier, more productive lifestyle.
Take progress pictures.
Taking progress pictures or journaling is a great way to keep track of your journey. This is a personal step to track and document your progress.
The nature of the challenge is very strict, and some report that 75 hard is more harmful than beneficial to the mind and body. This exercise guide is designed to provide ideas to those who to choose to pursue the challenge, or for those who want to exercise more outside. Everyone is capable of making their own decisions when it comes to mind and body, and what is best for them. If you have any health or fitness questions or concerns, reach out to a licensed medical professional.
Outdoor Exercise Ideas
Outdoor exercise is a workout for your body and mind. Immersing yourself in nature and breathing fresh air will clear your mind and incorporate a positive outlook into your day.

1. Bike Riding
Bike riding is a great way to exercise outside. Riding your bike exercises your cardiovascular system, hits your leg muscles, and is a low impact option for your joints.
2. Hiking
Hiking is a full body exercise that can be done almost anywhere. Find a local trail to exercise your glutes, thighs, calves, core, and cardiovascular system. Hiking also provides various mental health benefits.
3. Yoga
Yoga is a full mind and body exercise that heals your joints and tones your muscles. This exercise connects your mind and body and provides a moment of peace within your daily schedule. Click here for a 10 minute yoga routine that can be used in conjunction with hiking, or on its own.
4. Kayaking
Kayaking targets your arm muscles and cardiovascular system. If you don’t own a kayak, there are plenty of options to rent for a few hours, or the whole day. For a more intense workout, kayak against the current.
5. Walking your Dog
Walking your dog provides exercise for you and your pet. This is a great way to spend quality time with your dog and exercise with a partner. To intensify this exercise, try jogging intermittently throughout your walk.
6. Soccer
Playing soccer is a great full body workout that can be done alone, or with friends. This exercise targets the leg muscles, core, and cardiovascular system and can be done almost anywhere. Find a net or rebounder wall at a local park to get your 45 minute exercise for the day.
7. Tennis
Tennis is a great workout for your arms, legs, and cardiovascular system. Find a local tennis court to practice hitting the ball around. If you don’t have a partner, use a rebounder wall to ricochet the ball back to you.
8. Pickleball
Pickleball is a similar workout to tennis, played with a paddle and a ball. This sport is similar to life size ping-pong, serving as a fun way to get your 45 minute outdoor workout with a friend, or by yourself.
9. Basketball
Basketball is a fun way to exercise your arms, legs, and cardiovascular system. Use a basketball hoop, or practice ball handling and dribbling. This workout can be done alone or with friends.
10. Swimming
Swimming is a low impact, full body workout. A pool is not necessary to swim, as any local swimming hole or river serves the same purpose! Wear water shoes if swimming in nature to protect your feet from sharp rocks and debris.
11. Track & Field Workout
Head to your local track for a full body outdoor workout. Utilizing the track and field targets all of your muscles by running, or performing interval workouts using the lines on the field.
12. Park Workout
The park is a great way to get a unique, full body workout. There are plenty of bars to practice pull ups, or swings to exercise your legs. There are countless workout options at the park.
13. Join a Recreational League
Joining a recreational sports league is a great way to get your workout in with a group. Join your local softball, soccer, or frisbee league to have structured outdoor exercise throughout the week.
14. Trampoline
Jumping on the trampoline is a full body workout that doesn’t feel like exercise. Without knowing it, you’ll workout your legs, arms, core, and cardiovascular system.
15. Stairs
Stairs are easy to find and use for your 45 minute daily exercise. At your local sports field, walk up and down the bleachers or find a set of stairs to work your arms, legs, core, and cardiovascular system.

When exercising outside, it is common for people to feel embarrassed in a vulnerable environment. Just remember, working on yourself is never embarrassing. No one is looking at you, and everyone has their own life to worry about. Don’t let this stop you from completing your outdoor workout, because at the end of the day you’re here for one person only, yourself.
Consistency is Key
The 75 Hard challenge will help you to build a better lifestyle. The best way to approach the challenge is to mold it to your unique goals and remain consistent for 75 days. Allowing yourself cheat days or sustainable alternatives will create healthy balance and increase the consistency of this challenge. These ideas provide a 45 minute outdoor exercise if you choose to try the 75 Hard challenge, or if you just want to exercise more outside.
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